Never mind, as I was searching for your foolish OT comment (assumed you would eventually get around to an answer) when I found this jewel which answers every question I need answered to no longer consider you rational or worth conversing with. Any adult today who doesn't at least understand the principles of evolution, which you seem clueless about yourself well the term here is self-explanatory, there is that much evidence. Until you come to exist in the same real world I do, there isn't anything I need from you except the truth but I don't think that is forthcoming. Thought I could look up what I needed much quicker than waiting for you to answer such a difficult yes or no question is all. I have not found your foolish statement but now I don't need to research it further.
So, my statement to you is that the age of the earth is currently in that state of miscarried justice. There are facts that are unknown to scientists and as they are discovered, they will find that the earth is actually 6000 years old and that we are not actually from a common ancestor with apes.
Priest stripped of duties for celebrating Mass with woman priest OP.
Here are a couple more of your jewels I ran across which points out your inability to carry your biblical lies to other arguments. Or, you just like to change things depending on who or what you are currently trying to smear ... and that is dishonesty. Come back whenever you learn to keep your story straight for a change.
Been trying but you point blank just deny everything that you think contradicts the bible regardless of the fact that the bible is the master document of self-refuting arguments.
I'll let you know when I start fighting science.
The arrogance of Religion op.
The scientist cannot even begin to make the assumptions needed to make an accurate determination on anything.
The arrogance of Religion OP.
Your historical scientists look at something sitting here today, ask "How did this happen?" and then make stuff up, and call it science. Then, they look at something else, and say, "It's like this one... so that must be the same thing that happened as that." Now that looks a lot more like science, and so it perpetuates itself, but it all came from someone making stuff up.
Delusional beliefs and their harm to humanity op. Yea, you just let me know "when I [you] start fighting science right.
I'm saying that the same way you trust the results from the science experiment is the same way that I trust the Bible - because I was told about it, I understand it, and it makes sense.
You were told huh, were you also told to ignore everything else as unimportant to 'the cause'? I was told about it too … so what??? From - Delusional beliefs and their harm to humanity OP.