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Weekend project: Printing pictures on wood (of all things).
4 Replies
Cameras sure have gotten good
9 Replies
It's not what I think I saw
3 Replies
"Musing Skinny Asian Woman": Asian expressionism woman distorted portrait painting
0 Replies
"Talk to Me I am the Queen": black and white contemporary female profile portrait painting,
0 Replies
"Morning Woman in the Mirror": colorful expressionism female daily life portrait painting
0 Replies
"Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows": contemporary the Blessed Virgin Mary pop portrait painting
0 Replies
"Japanese Gigantic Jellyfish rising towards the surface":abstract nature surrealism painting
0 Replies
"Back Torso of Venus": contemporary abstract realism painting
0 Replies
"New Birth on the Cross": abstract spiritual painting
0 Replies
"Male Farm Worker in Blue Tank Top": distorted expressionist male portrait painting
0 Replies
"Green Calf Bearer": famous ancient Greek sculpture theme contemporary painting
0 Replies
"Yellow Sunbath on Yacht Deck": contemporary expressionist summer sea scene painting
0 Replies
"Emperor Moth" : abstract animal,insect, bug symbolism painting
0 Replies
"The Black Sun": abstract space scene painting
0 Replies
"The Three Crosses": Jesus crucifixion dramatic abstract scene painting
0 Replies
"Abstract Dying Gaul": famous ancient Hellenistic statue theme contemporary painting
0 Replies
"Purple Brick Bridge": architectural expressionism painting
0 Replies
"Abstract Colorful Battleground": abstract colorful fisheye landscape painting,
0 Replies
"Old Fisherman": post modern impressionism portrait painting
0 Replies
14 Pages1 2 3  Last
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