The problem with your free thinking is that it leaves being alive as idiocy. Why live with no purpose? Even better, why live with any moral compass with no higher accountability for your actions?
So, purposeless, no better than animals in their minds, with no moral compass, you will live and do 'whatever you want' and feel opressed by the laws that say you can't do things. Laws that say a man marries a woman, laws that say abortion is infanticide, laws that say pornography is illegal, laws that allow certain people to have more than you.
You will march and say that it's wrong to enforce a moral code upon you, but your own march that it's wrong will show that you believe in a moral code as well. Except that your moral code isn't defined, ancient, relevant, or helpful to society or individuals. It's the next oldest code - that men should do what feels right. And that will only lead to our destruction as a society, and your destruction as individuals.
As far as science, I believe in science, but I don't believe in historical science. There are plenty of topics where I've talked about this at length already. You post videos that mock Christianity, I post links to answers in genesis, neither of us gives the other's source the time of day, etc. So we don't need to bring that here.
Are Christians being denied their rights in the US? Sometimes, yes. Prayer has been under attack for a long time. The funny part about prayer is that it's so powerful that it gets the main attacks. Yet the bigger attack is actually on whether it has any power at all. You would say it has no power - then why are you against us praying fruitlessly before a meeting? Christians are often being told it has no power, but when you go back to the Bible, it says the opposite - pray. Why? Because it's powerful and meaningful and it's a major agent of change in the believer and in the world - yet you would say it's useless, as you try to stop people from praying because the enemy knows it is powerful and sadly controls you.
So you will continue to do self-destructive things, make illogical arguments, and try to show me how we must have come from a lower species and not a loving God. I'll continue to do the same, as well, but with a slow process of becoming more like Christ. And in the end, you may come to your senses and want to go to heaven, or maybe you won't. But I'm going. And it's going to be awesome.