IN the end, the PC will do us in. It is only a matter of time before we are strip searching a norwegian granny while an Indonesian (or Phillipino, Malaysian, American) Muslim is lighting a bomb that works.
I would rather see everyone checked; unfortunately though, most people want saftey and convenience, - hence if we did search everyone thoroughly, someone would bitch and complain about it. I would bet you my left nut it would turn out that way.
That said, as history has shown us, a that one norweigan granny that we didn't check (out of counter PC), could be the one that does us in. You just never know, and have to be aware.
My son who is a typical young white male from KY is searched every single time he flies with a certain airline. My husband, with the same name is also searched. Every single time! They pull them both out of line and search them. And every single time we complain. They did it again last week when my son came for a visit.
I would feel safer knowing that everyone was checked, as has been shown - people who were never thought to have connections to terrorism, in fact carried out attacks.
Talk about 2 different situations. Come on AJ, this one is obvious. During Bush's Administration no one expected something like this to happen even though we had reports that indicated the posibility. We don't really know how bold Bush was at the time because nothing had happened yet. We were weak at the time, because we thought we were untouchable, we thought nothing this big could ever happen to us. We were arrogant at that time. But with Obama things are different, the attack already happened and we are at war with the enemy. During Bush's 8 years he was determined to prove to our enemy that we would not back down, Obama on the other hand wants to be friends with them, he won't even use the word terrorist and things like that. Obama has shown weakness and the fact that you ignore that is even scarier. Obama is not bold, he is an act. Obama depends on his ability to talk a good talk but once his bluff is called he backs down and blames the previous Administration for his failures.
See last answer.
It's about the enforcement buddy. In case you don't remember, many plots were foiled during Bush's Administration but so far 2 attacks have been attempted with one being successful and the other being a failure only because the terrorist was an idiot. And in both cases, there was enough evidence of a possible attack to stop them both. So it's not about implementation, it's about enforcement. Basically what this Administration is doing is allowing these policies to fail to use as proof that the previous Administration's policies sucked. That's a shame considering they are willing to allow people to be hurt just to deal a blow to the opposing party and what's even worse is that people like you are OK with this.
Dude, seriously. Grow up. Get a clue, it's called a joke, it's meant to be funny. Losen up buddy.
Dude, given his previous assinine comments towards me, my taking these recent discussions too seriously (resulting in high bp), the stress at home/school - I would agree. I had hoped to find a stress release in the form of my love of debate/discussion.........guess not. 
(Where's "cheech and chong up in smoke" when you need a good relaxing movie?)
Yes, actually osama mentioned how weak Clinton was and said it gave them strength.
"However when...(many) of your soldiers were killed in minor battles and one American pilot was dragged in the streets of Mogadish, you left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat, and your dead with you. Clinton appeared in front of the whole world threatening and promising revenge, but these threats were merely a preparation for withdrawal. You have been disgraced by Allah and you withdrew; the extent of you impotence and weaknessses became very clear"
My point is this (and only this): Take a look at their mindset. They're bound and determined. They are always going to be motivated, whether or not there is a strong or weak president. Everyone that isn't them is weak, even peaceful muslims. I don't really feel there is much correlation between how strong we are and how motivated they are - their life is the destruction of us, that is their creed.
How much further can you go from being extremists? It implies not just mindset, but.., for want of a term, will or motivation.
Do you see what I'm trying to say?