AJ, your recent comments are even more scarier that before. You seem to want to let the world just do what it wants and we'll sort out the dead later. I'm sorry buddy, but I would rather safe than sorry. My kids get mad at me all the time for stopping them from doing things I believe are wrong, they will eventually learn it was for their benefit.
I'm saying we ought not stick our noses where we do not belong. We're not the world police. If we're going to look out for ourselves, then fine, but I would rather not be the one that pokes the bull in the china shop one too many times.
And I agree, it is better to be safe than sorry. But at what cost? Do we be safe, premptively/proactively at the cost of looking like bigger asses?
So now you are against freedom of speech and the right to post what we want within the rules of this site?
Wow, where'd you get that from my comment? I just know KFC decently to know that she could reply to my argument with scripture, which honestly doesn't add to a discussion like this. At least, not in my opinion. It was a request, and it's all well and good and fine with me if she doesn't care and provides scripture. I just hope she doesn't expect me to reply to it.
I'm trying to look at the Israel/Iran/MidEast deal with facts, logic, etc. Not the bible. I mean you don't take a biology book to a math class, right?
What's the purpose of the UN? Why was the Geneva Convention implemented? Why do we have International Law? Are you saying we should allow Iran to proceed with their nuclear ambitions and hope energy is their only goal? I'm not too sure you are thinking some of your comments too well AJ.
I'm saying that we need to just leave them alone; us first, israel later. It isn't like we haven't the capability to dispatch Iran with our military. It comes off as our nation being like the idiot who plays with the shotgun and blows his foot off. He's left wondering why, when it was his actions that caused the problem.
In a sense, I'm just looking out for us in a different angle than you are.
Question: Why do you always veer from the topic of the article by always playing the "they do it too" game? Why don't you tackle the point of the article which is Obama does not believe we should be building nuclear power plants yet he believes it's OK for Iran to do it?
On the contrary, my question is valid because it leads to my point. Why bother meddling in other people's business. Granted, there are those who will hate us no matter what, but in a lot of cases - if you listen to a lot of people's comments who live elsewhere - it is us meddling that causes problems.