All this shows is there is a correct and incorrect answer, your opinion doesn't matter, unless it's the correct one. This is the college education most parents are paying for today, your replicating your kids professors ideas into your children. If you speak with most educators, they know everything, just ask one. They know what is best for your kids. Just like Pavlov's dog's.... your kids will bark the party talking points at the sound of the bell. Talk about brainwashing. Don't believe educational institutions are political? Just follow the money trail.
Couldn't say it better myself. This is so right on. No Christian student has a right to speak out against their professors in one of these classrooms. If they dare, they get pummeled and it's not pretty. They have to keep their mouths shut for the sake of the grade......similar to what some think Miss California should have done.
That's why so many parents all across the U.S. are taking their kids out of the government schools and also why the Christian colleges are packed out. The discussion and debate is way more open....go figure.
So far as I know she was trailing, but who knows.
Really? Where's your sources? This comment shows me you didn't even watch the link I provided. So you're making very leftist comments on something you don't even have full evidence about? My previous blog on liberals making my head hurt is humming in my head right now.... 
So you think people should keep their honesty to themselves? You think people should lie to avoid being punished by those who get offended and are in positions that could hurt you?
but don't you see Charles....that's the name of the game right get this agenda to pass much easier we need to keep our mouths shut and allow evil to triumph. That's exactly what this is and you can see it plain and simple for any who has eyes to see.
Did you notice the aftermath of all this? Compare and contrast Miss California's attitude during and after this squirmish and test the spirits for yourselves.
A.D. called Perez Hilton (some celebrity I never even heard of before) a small little man. I hesitate to even call him a "man" because he didn't act like a man according to my definition.
Educating is teaching your kids about the world: showing them how things work, telling them what you expect of them, and doing all kinds of fun stuff like that...but most importantly teaching them how to think for themselves.
There's a stipulation here isn't there? Admit it. The stipulation is as long as you go with the current culture it's not brainwashing only education.
Who's to say Miss California's parents didn't do EXACTLY as you define "education?" How do you know her parent's "brainwashed" her as you said earlier? You jumped to that conclusion because of her opinion. Own it Zoo. It doesn't match what the current culture is dictating so therefore it means she was brainwashed?
So tell me this do you know you're not the one being brainwashed here? Hmmmmm?
Well, they're both probably genetic yeah, that's pretty similar. I was focusing more on the bias that people have against them, though.
this comment right here gives credence to what Nitro said about the liberal colleges and the students who are following them.......again....who's being brainwashed?
So being homosexual (having sex with the same gender) is NOT a choice but is a gentetic factor? You know this as a complete fact? So you have no choice in choosing what gender you're going to have sex with (or abstaining) in the same way you have no choice to change your color you were obviously born with?
Every extreme religion preaches hate...even Christianity. The Phelps example is one, but there are many other fundamentalist groups that are really hateful.
now you're spreading lies here Zoo. You're using Phelps as your example to do so. Do you know the gospel? Do you know what Christ (the founder and corner stone of the faith) taught? What about Mother Teresa? Didn't use her I noticed. Jim Elliot? Detrich Bonhoffer? Richard Wumbrand? What about the Amish Christians who were plasted all over the news a few years ago forgiving those who came into their compound and killed their people? Did they preach hate or forgiveness? What about Rachel Scott (Columbine)? What about the countless Christians who gave their lives for another? You have to go to Phelps for your proof? His actions are not convicting him of a Christian faith.