OH GOOD LORD you people make me sick to my stomach.
The fact that you could condone, nay, defend it is disgusting.
Your outrage is misplaced SC. The kid walks onto another person's property carrying an Obama sign. Where did he get it? Did his parents give it to him or did he steal it? I think his parent(s) were involved because he didn't even HESITATE.
He walked up in that yard like he was told to do it. The fact it is broad daylight out also makes it look like an adult (an authority figure in this kid's life) told him to do it. Most kids who do things like this on their own do it at night and on the down low...they don't want to get caught and be punished. Even when its older kids forcing the younger ones to do something "bad" the kids are more hesitant and unwilling.
When kids do stuff like this in broad daylight you can bet its because someone told them it was ok.
I think it is despicable for an adult to use a child to commit a crime or do something they wouldn't do themselves. I also agree with Tex. If the homeowner knew it was a kid then I have big issues with him but not as big as the adult behind the kid's behavior.
Either way you look at it, the kid is the victim. You're outraged at the property owner, and I say that is misplaced. The outrage should be at the adult encouraging the behavior.
If that was my kid I would tell them they got exactly what they deserved. But that's because I don't train them to be vandals or thieves.