Usually i do a lot of my book reading, as opposed to online reading shortly before i go to bed, say 30 minutes before hand and it usually suffices.
The other day however i purchased the following three books to go through:
- Das Kapital: A Critique of Political Economy, Author Karl Marx
- Social Evolution, Author Benjamin Kidd
- (Geek Momment) Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction, Author David Mermin
I suspect the latter will be somewhat of a brain buster and i'll be honest i'm not really looking forward to reading it per-say, however i am interesting in some of the concepts it proposes. Anyways i'm interested in really getting these read as soon as possible, so my noraml 30 minutes before bed probably won't suffice.
So what i want essentially is for people to be able to recommend places that you yourselves go to read, i know this may seem daft, something like a park or something is probably a no brainer, although such places are sometimes out of the question over here in England, thanks to our rather indecisive weather.
So, where do you go for a good read?!