Muscle weighs more than fat, so a lot of people are surprised to see they've actually gained a little when they increase their exercise. Regardless, you DO look good, slimmer and happier than I've seen you in some of the previous photos you've shared.
I think you'd do well concentrating more on being FIT than SKINNY. You can increase your overall health by doing so, and many plus-sized women have lower blood pressure and other problems normally associated with obesity than slender women who live a sedentary lifestyle. Keep up the walks, and maybe add some wrist and ankle weights to increase your caloric consumption during them, it will also increase your stamina because you can start small and add weight as you get more comfortable with it.
Thanks, S. I appreciate that.
I think I've been making better food choices. My Hemoglobin A1C (the long-term blood sugar test) last time was below 7%--like 6%. And I'm hoping it's even lower this time (if I can find time to get into the clinic to take it...they open so late!). I know I still eat too much, though. It's a crutch, it really is. I have a hard time eating slow and listening to my body say "stop, moron, you are fuller than you need to be!" It's something I need to work on. I'm hoping it will be easier this summer, because I won't have to eat on a timetable like I do during school hours. i can eat when I'm hungry (although part of the problem is that I'm not hungry in the morning and I need to eat breakfast). I've been eating alot more fruit than I did in the past, and I've been trying more veggies, even though I don't think I've liked any I've tried. I keep trying them over and over again, hoping they'll become less
And I think you're right--it should be about fitness rather than being skinny. I take weights most of the times I walk--I started out with 2 lbs in each hand. I think I'm ready to bump that up, though. I also have a medicine ball that I use, too, and one of those big huge inflatable exercise balls that's really fun to use but with our limited space it's a little difficult (I think I can rearrange some stuff in the apt. this summer, though).
I forgot to ask the doctor if I could take the fish oil with my Tricor. My triglycerides are sky-high, even though my cholesterol isn't too bad. I feel like a moron, though, not even being thirty and having all these problems...
This year has been a whole different ball of wax. Since we figured out that it's diabetes making me have headaches, and that's taken care of, I've hardly been sick at all this school year. Last year I used ALL of my sick days. This year I maybe used 3? The work environment I'm in is a whole new world, too. When your coworkers get along and you get along with your boss okay, too, it makes a big difference in stress levels. I have a crazy class this year, but it wasn't nearly as nuts as last year when I only worked with small groups. I just know everything's going to be okay, and I try to leave work at work as much as I can, because my marriage is important to me and I think there needs to be a division. I can't ALWAYS do that--today I took some grading along with me while I went with Ry to do his route. But for the most part, I just don't even bring a bag home. I never do it anyway. lol
We're even poorer this year than we were last year, but I'm so much more happy.
You are beautiful, Marcie. God doesn't make mistakes. You just can't see it for some reason. I hope you discover the reason soon, deal with it, and learn to love yourself.
Thanks, Sabrina. I'm gaining some confidence, and I'm learning that I'm not a superhuman, and I'm going to make mistakes, and a lot of them. I try to teach that to my students, too. I make mistakes inside and out of the classroom, so i do what I can to make things right, and tuck away the learning, and move on. Life is way too short. I want them to take away those lessons, too. I know they're going to have to learn lots of them over for themselves, but hopefully someday when they've screwed up royally they'll remember when their second grade teacher laughed at herself for doing something dumb, and realize they can do that too.
I still need to see a counselor. Or maybe a lobotomy would work, too. 
Muscle does indeed weigh more than fat, but it also burns calories. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
I love white watering, it's a real blast. Try out the Gauley River in WV some time, lots of class 4, class 5, and class 5+ rapids. It's a real blast.
Great pics.
Does that mean I'm REALLY muscular underneath all this fat?

Seriously, though, I did this fitness challenge thing from January to April. My fitness tests at the end of it did improve--the machine they used for weight and body mass was off (because I know I didn't gain fat), but my grip test improved by 10 lbs (I was off the charts to begin with), and I was much more flexible. That's improvement, and I'll take what I can get.
Do you think I'm ready for Class IV and V, after just one trip down the Truckee? We went up through Logan canyon today in Utah. I think the Bear River looks fun, but I don't know if it's navigable. It's SO fun, though. I want to get an inflatable kayak so I can go on the Flaming Gorge. Sometime, I guess...