Greetings! It’s the end of the year and here are some pics from work.
To the team: I suck. I apologize. I had said I’d get a photo album going this year and while it is still technically 2014, it’s the last week before we close down for the year. On the bright side, this year is not just picture of the Stardock dogs (though Arrow is in a few of these but Bailey and Maggie are not).

Stardock in the evening. Adam is in the first one. He is the poor guy who has to clean up after whatever PR horror I’ve got us into that week. Kristin our GM is meeting with Adrian and Bruce and lastly Jenna, our lead UI artist is making icons.

On the left, Sam is back from maternity leave! Hooray! With Emily, our superstar HR manager. Rob and Bilal talking tech. The dynamic duo of Jillian & Nikki do basically all of our web graphics design (not forgetting Katie but I couldn’t find her to take a pic). Meanwhile, Stardock Chairman, Arrow is keeping an eye while Steph (like all of us) do whatever he needs.

The gang doing their thing. The Fitness room was added this year to prevent people from ending up like me. The Tachyon leads are scheming about..Tachyon while the Cinematics team is cooking up a lot of coolness for next year.

The Azure team (Lou and Sarah) along with a Sarah Prime (our lead gameplay coder on GalCiv III) working on the battle system for GalCiv III. And Chris is coming up with new Azure stuff to do.
I will try to get more up before the end of the year. I apologize for procrastinating. 
For those of you on vacation and weren’t in the pics. Remember what I always say: Friendship, Family, Religion, these are the 3 demons you must slay to be successful in business.
More to come.