Another sickening example of
Rich getting Richer
I guess many Folks that do work there to sustain living since it’s not just an
"Entry level job" anymore for the low and middle class as well as kids that
Urgently need the job because they study will be happy to be replaced by a
What I don´t understand is the long-time concept in that whole thing.
Soon if the salary drops again for the low earner as well as the middle class
earner, there will be hardly any money left to buy stuff anymore.
If there is no money to spend, products won´t be bought criminality is likely to
receive a boost. If nothing is/can be- bought from the majority of the earners there won’t be any profit at all.
The whole concept of replacing human work with a machine is nothing else than
misanthropic. Even though some call it efficient i call it unsocial thinking or
greedy bullshit.
Every time it happens there should be a "greed award" handed out along with a
Insulting title that has to be displayed alongside with the company name.
Sure if someone is currently rich it is easy to smile about stuff like that and point the
finger because it doesn’t affect them but if the low and the middle class breaks away
someday it´ll be rich working lonely for the superrich.
I would like to get some more info from some why they think 15USD would be too much:
Frogboy for example you said that you cleaned fluid remaining´s from sewers... I
truly do not understand how you can say that someone that has to work with
Feces/Bacteria and do the job that nobody else wants to do because its gross smelly
and dirty is not worth 15USD the hour.
I would even say it should be more... Why do you think otherwise?
If someone is able to earn 15k USD+ on a single day for singing for dancing acting oir politics
then why should someone that has to flip burgers and be possibly insulted by customers all day not have a pay of 15USD/h?
Where is the Justice balance?
I know it is not existent since if it would we would have a more even income overall.
The fact is that the money from a fulltime job isn´t enough anymore for the majority that is why most of the folks run 2 jobs or even more just to
survive... And this hasn´t always to do with education some folks work on "entry
jobs" because they have no choice or are not granted the opportunity to prove
they can do more-many are overqualified for the job they do and are treated like
shit...Even though they do a good Job
Throwing all of them into one cup and say everyone is late or "if they actually show up to work" or to say they do a half ass job isn’t fair.
And you should not categorize - since it has a classifying smell to it... 
@Jafo and Lightstar: You guys said back in the days you´ve worked as a computer technician or as Architectural Draftsman? for only 1 dollar/h ok LS a little more – How did you survive haha
But lets be real for a second, it should be obvious that the dollar back then had much more value than the dollar today…You should have noticed that if you go and buy your food pay your taxes. And something tells me you guys are just making fun.
What im trying to say is some honest folks do work hard, give their very best simply because it is their own way of living or the way to hold/keep respect for themselves, some of them want to be able to be proud of what they have done over the day when the sun settles ( so they can pad themselves on the shoulder )
something you do not get any more from your boss or super rarely. At least I have never seen a manager at McDonalds do that to an employee.
If someone can explain me exactly why it would be economically wrong or unbearable to give better payment to entry level jobs or (low-mid earner class) please do so since I´m eager to know.
(But keep in mind that making such an investment would contribute into more interest / better skillset ( that was here written down as being on time and encouraged to do a good job) better service overall and possibly result in more customers/profit and it would carry a big part in balancing shit out in general.
And why would you be against a pay raise for people that have literally nothing, something like this would improve their quality of life immense, especially if you are not far from away from the equal pay class ??- simply support something like this for them and be happy if they receive it.
Even if the Gov would force something like this- i know many company´s that are inuslted by that especially timework but those are mainly the guys that abuse and make money...If these company´s would be giving a freehand when they already have a position that has nothing to worrie about shit would get more unequal and people would work for barely nothing in the end. IM not saying every company has that kind of relation to the employee´s but most of them do if you take a short look at the income table.
I sometimes think it is just jealousy that the high rollers are left out and do not get a pay raise?
Or companys crying croc tears - while they profit from such an investment in the end.
Some may do because the numbers were smaller when they have worked back in the day.