but slowly our rights as Americans are disappearing down the PC hole.
Hang on. Let me go check..........
I just went outside. Everything looks pretty good over here.
Whether you want to believe that there would be violence (the Muslims did not seem to be too inclined for it, and of course the christians were out to make a point - which they did). or not, no one was "inciting" violence.
It doesn't matter what I believe. the cops made the call. And they were probably right.
next time you go to a park, maybe some nut job who does not like screaming babies is going to have you arrested too.
Yeah. Because that's the same thing.
It's a shame that anyone would easily give a pass to someone who could potentially cause a problem that could lead to violence simply because they agree with this person and at that moment the 1st Amendment applies in your opinion but when the persons opinion is contrary to theirs they want them arrested or removed with the excuse that they might cause violence if allowed to exercise a 1st amendment right that they have but should really be changed to exclude them because in your mind it should not apply at that moment.
Tell ya what: why don't you not tell me what my opinions are and not put words in my mouth. I could care less if the situation was vice versa. I'm ambivalent to the idea of these nuts getting locked up because I get why the cops would do it. I get a little bit of a neck cramp looking the other way if only because of the reasoning I explained above: Dearborn is a largely muslim community. A muslim festival, no doubt is a muslim community event. Those folks should be able to enjoy their festival in their homes without having to do deal with some other crazy people pissing in their backyard. That's just basic civility. Certain, I don't think of the backyard pissing as being illegal, but I'm not going to make a whole lot of effort to get outraged.
For what it's worth, that neck cramps quite a bit in situations like this. People who bug women at clinics? Fred Phelps? The punks who go and dick around across the street from the arch diocese? Yeah. I can sleep easy with them having a rough day.
Instead of condemning those who are passing out pamphlets you could consider they are only caring enough about you to warn you of a very real upcoming event.
And what event might that be?
Guys, seriously: This is really an issue of practical law enforcement. What good comes of this situation otherwise? Seriously, you put 2 irrational, unreasonable groups together that are diametrically opposed, both groups are known world wide for their bloodlust, what the hell do you think is going to happen? Are they going to make peace in the middle east? Solve world hunger? Folks: the best case scenario is nothing happens. The worst is, you have a major situation. And mind you, this is in Dearborn Michigan, a town that's known for having a massive Muslim population. What do you really think is going to happen?
It has nothing to do with handing out literature. Because if it was any other group, it wouldn't be a problem. People pass out literature for all sorts of reasons. I was at a public event the other day and a guy was handing out business cards to promote his adult comedy act. I didn't go on the rampage against him nor did I hear anyone complain. Had he been handing out Jesus tracts I'm sure there would have been much murmuring going around.
You'd have to be very disconnected to go along with that. When you go to pitt your faith against another faith, or pit your faith against some group of people who haven't done shit to you, that's a very different from billing your latest stand up act.