Dont forget that Gore was in the military as well, I dont think Gore would have rolled over I think he would have used all the sympathy and offers of help and went after the people who actually did the bombing not use 9/11 as a catapult to go to war with a nation(albeit a horribly lead and terribly lead nation), that went after his daddy years before.
Yes, Mr. Gore was in the military, he was a news photographer. That hardly qualifies him in war strategy.
I am an amateur historian and I can tell you that many of the degree held historians I know rate bush very low, not very far ahead of presidents like coolidge as far as his presidency, that could change but not drastically.
I heard the same trash about President Reagan and now they all cheer him as the great communicator, he untied the people. Brought democrats and republicans together, stopped communism. I don’t hear that about Mr. Kennedy.
Reagan wasnt tested???? I mean some of the weakest nations(lybia, Grenada) in the world and some of the strongest(USSR) tested him just as they did kennedy. Kennedy came out on top big time, and I have to give it to Reagan so did he with regards to that. However even Reagan spoke to "Evil Empires."
Sorry but Mr. Kennedy did not come out on top that was political spin. He was sinking so badly in the polls that he had to make a special trip to Dallas because the democrat base was not going to vote for him in the next election. Back then Texas was a democrat stronghold and even with his vice president from there he could not hold that state.
The Cuban missile crisis was not masterful diplomacy it was a wash with secret deals. If the USSR backed down publically then he would dismantle the Jupiter missiles in Turkey which was the cause of the crisis to begin with. You know how many hundreds of millions of dollars Mr. Kennedy gave to Cuba just to keep the peace? That is not coming out on top that is buying your way out of a crisis you can't manage any other way. Are you sure you studied history?
I forgot about Grenada and I was in the Marines when that happened, but you are correct I had forgotten about all those tests that Mr. Reagan faced because at the time I was there dealing with some of it. Must be getting old.
I look at our country and I dont like all the things we do as well.
When you are running for president, the figure head, the leader of our nation, why would you want the job if you are ashamed of your country?
As for what comapany he keeps how about mccains chief economic guy and former senator calling this a mental recession,
Well seeing as it has not him me or my neighbors I would have to agree that it is a mental recession. A recession is two or more consecutive quarters of negative growth. We have not had that so what would you call it? People hear on the news that times are tough and as Rush Limbaugh has stated many times, most people are doing okay but they fear that their neighbors are not. Where are the people that are not doing well? The poor? They were poor before so that has not changed. The rich? They are still rich? The middle class? That would be me and I am still okay.
how about his preacher man and the anti black things he has said,
First the man is not his preacher he is a supporter who happens to be a preacher. I have not heard or read what he said that was so bad. It did not make the news long enough for me to care. Unlike Senator Obama’s preacher of 20+ years. or the guy that replaced him that Senator Obama had to throw under the bus. You can not equate Senator McCain’s 3 years of knowing someone that supports you and says something racist with Senator Obama’s preacher of 20 years who has gone on record with hate speech. After 20 years if he did not know the man was a racist he is inept and if he knew it then he is a racist because he stuck with him for 20 years of hate speech. It is plain and simple coloured people like him don’t need to be president.
This you really cant fully know till they are president. Many didnt think Reagan could be a strong diplomat because he was just an actor
This is incorrect his political opponents wanted you to think that he was just an actor, they chose to forget that he was a two time elected governor of the state of California a liberal democrat state then and now. they forget his policy speeches he gave stating how to fight the evils of communism in the 50’s 60’s 70’s and then he became president in the 80’s and did what he said needed to be done in his 30 years of speeches. Somehow all the opposition could remember is the movie play time for bonzo.
blew our economy for it though.
Sorry but that would be James Earl Carter Jr. that blew our economy. In his four years as president we went from a nation that could sustain a family of four on one income to the point he gave a televised speech to the nation telling us we needed to put our wives to work, he mismanaged our economy so badly we went into a world wide recession. That is what happens when you put a nuclear scientist in charge of a nation. Mr. Reagan on the other hand took our economy and built it up. Inflation went from double digits to single digits and gave us a tax cut to go with it. By the way the actor had his degree in economics.