I don't care if you stay or if you go.
You're profusion of irritating articles is irritating, but I am under the impression you delete a lot of comments written in your articles. Maybe I'm mixed up with someone else.
Nope, that's him.
If that is you, then I don't really think that you have room to say that you are trying to start discussion if you are deleting things people write off your blog. Again, if this is not you, I apologize. I don't read your blog usually.
Again. It's him.
Anyway, if you want to discuss real life, controversial issues at JU then you need to have a thick, thick skin. This is a very different thing from having a thick, thick skull. Some people don't know the difference and I don't know enough about your blogs to know if you do or not.
He doesn't know the difference at all.
My answer, in a word? For most people it would be no. For you?