Our house is NOT baby-proofed. It's something in between a no-no every 5 minutes, and padded corners and toilet locks. I don't think it's fair for a baby to hear no-no about everything all day long, but I also think it's important for them to learn that there are some things we don't mess with.
Unfortunately, our bedroom is no-no-ville. I haven't gotten it set up yet. You see, in order to put everything away, I need Adrian to put together the bookcase. In order for him to put together the bookcase, the walls need to be painted. In order to paint, everything needs to be put away. Ha. We are getting new carpet Friday, so the painting is going to happen soon and it will all come together. Until then, there are photo albums and photo frames and boxes of odds and ends lining a couple of the walls.
Earlier this evening Isabella disappearing for a few minutes. This is a problem because it only takes seconds for a baby to get into serious trouble. Not just no-no trouble, but a-trip-to-the-ER trouble. Someone (not naming names! ADRIAN!) left the bedroom door open, and she took advantage of the opportunity. About five minutes later we began asking, "Where is Isabella?" Haha.
She was having the time of her life in our bedroom. Was she eating benadryl? No. Playing with matches? Nope. Stepping on the broken glass of a photo frame? No again.

She had slipped into about 15 pairs of panties! Haha.
Pretty necklaces!
I love my kids. LOL.