The universe is interesting from any perspective assuming you have a viable one. I don't understand how some can find it so easy to believe that an all-powerful God unseen, unheard and unknown by man … could have always existed and created everything in a week … but no, the ‘known’ universe itself couldn’t have always existed (from a human perspective)??? Instead of just admitting we don’t know everything now (how could we) but are learning more every day … so they created a complete fabrication (undiscoverable and improvable) and have given themselves the sole proprietorship of religious all matters. This brings up my rant on the misuse of all-encompassing words like infinity, forever, always, The Truth, the universe, universal law, evolution and the Bible … to name a few.
Always, forever and infinity are often used interchangeably as if we have an understanding of these concepts. They are meaningless to humans beyond pointing to ‘a long or specific time frame’. Same for … to the end of time, the ends of ages or the end of the Earth … all meaningless on a human scale. As a matter of fact humanity barely makes a dent on any scale to the point of insignificance. But the RCC ‘religion’ holds that only their own Christians have purpose in all the cosmos? My dog would care to differ here, hahaha as well as hundreds of flavors of those ‘other’ Christians so misinformed as not to be Catholics.
All-knowing is sooo misused too. Besides being a human concept … the perceptions are unimaginable? This would of necessity include the complete past, the present and the complete future of every particle in the entire universe (and beyond I suppose) … and that makes any reason for our existence preordained and meaningless. There are magnitudes more stars in the ‘known universe’ than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world … all-knowing indeed. With this cover concept in mind why … I could justify anything I were to do, right, wrong, good or bad as being ordained by god the all-knowing … and this is what the RCC has done to corrupt what otherwise could have been pure religious concepts for the enlightenment of all … not just the few select slaves.
The Truth is so relative as to be meaningless in many cases but especially concerning the RCCC. The RCC would have us believe they are (all of them) incapable of lying, being deceitful or have their own agendas. Their God seems helpless in cleaning his own Church out as he is seemingly only interested in cleaning up everyone else’s business. And The Church itself just cannot find the faith or wherewithal for self-cleansing (rather the opposite) … but they would tell the world how to clean theirs Houses and in no uncertain terms. Like I said … hypocrisy abounds in the RCC. Does the little catch phrase “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” mean anything to you? How can anyone even claim to be truthful when they only allow themselves to “do unto others” and the others are not allowed to play this silly game of theirs at all? The RCC was built on hypocrisy and has not faltered from this path … to date.
As to universal law … that is a modern man concept as the barbarians (by our standards) that founded Christian superstitions had no perception whatsoever of a universe beyond the flat Earth and the sparkles in the night sky. But this is not entirely accurate … the Greeks proved the world round and the RCC knew … bur for the good of mankind (hahaha) they suppressed this little tidbit for what 2,000 years until their fraud was publically exposed. Thank the stars for the Renaissance … the time frame they consider the worst in RCC history … I wonder why (not)? There is nothing of value in the OT or the NT … that cannot be found written in stone (real stone tablets) and on cave walls that predate both Judaism and its progeny ... Christianity. I hope they enjoy their fantasy to their heart’s content … just don’t ask me to participate in this madness as I am much more comfortable with the real truth.