I hope the same people who condemn her qualifications as VP for this...hold themselves to the same standard...meaning they accept other people judging them for the decisions their teenagers make.
yes, me too. Although many good parents judge themselves harshly for their children's decisions already, believing their children are an extension of themselves. I'm willing to bet Sarah Palin is going thru some of this right now, questioning herself already.
It does make me wonder if mom was home more, spent more time with her daughter, would it have made a difference?
I do think parents in the home make a huge difference. So I lean that way myself. Usually when a parent puts their own aspirations ahead of their children, the kids pay the price in some form or another.
At 17 I didn't quite have the guts to do what I wanted because I knew my parents would be home waiting for me when I got home. It kept me straight and I believe it kept my kids straight. It doesn't mean this is always the case but by looking around it seems that the wayward child of two parents putting their kids first and foremost is an exception rather than a rule. Kids genuinely want to please their parents. But if things aren't right at home, quite often the opposite can be true as well.
Honestly, I think this reinforces Sara Palin's pro-life values. Her daughter could have aborted and no one would have ever known. The fact is that Bristol CHOSE to have this baby knowing that there would be public scrutiny. I think that is shows that Sara Palin raised her daughter to share her values.
I agree and was my first thought as well. It also shows Sarah Palin, most likely advising and helping her daughter, is a woman of her words. She's not saying one thing and doing another like most politicians out there today.
She is 17 and she and her boyfriend are getting married.
It sounds like they are trying to make it right and trying to be responsible by giving this baby a stable home environment.