This is no points marathon.... this is my effort to prove I can get the last word.
I guess some history is in order... some years back, on another web "boards" site that I set up for a group of friends, we had an individual that called himself the ultimate Thread killer. He created a thread where he stated he was in deed, the one, the only, ultimate thread killer. Just having him add a comment in a thread would generally kill that thread completely. For whatever reason, once that individual posted his $.02, others just ignored that thread, and moved on. Very rarely was the individual able to add a comment to a thread without this effect, or so he really believed.
And so, with great fan fare, the individual started the "I am the ultimate thread killer" thread, and it turned into the thread that ate the message board (just kidding, but it did account for something like 45% of the message board traffic/space usage just for that one thread). No one else could let the individual win. To this day, every so many hours someone comes along and posts some random thought or comment and adds it to that thread, all in the name of not letting the original thread killer have the last and final word.
You know, I'm not even certain now that the original thread killer still frequents the old message boards, but the war of the words that he started certainly has lived on much longer than I would have expected.
Since I was the admin of the original board site where the thread was posted, I tried several times to have the thread die down, and come up with some official winner who could claim the title of ultimate thread killer. Each time, the participants at the message board raised such a ruckus of the artificial cap coming into play to end their fun, that the thread kept getting unlocked. I think I even tried pruning some of the earlier rabble in the thread, and even that was screamed about. Everyone wanted to see the attempts to get the last word, and everyone always tried to get the last word so someone else couldn't claim the prize.
Well, I am game for trying similar fun here. Just who can be the one that can lay claim to any extended time as the ultimate thread killer? If everyone is playing the game right, then no one should be able to claim more than a few hours time as the last poster in the thread. It all depends on how badly everyone wants to keep me from proving that I am the ultimate thread killer.