At 18:38 german system time on July 13, 2005, using IE Explorer 6.0 and sometimes free DX browser or wincustomize browser or
sd central or skin browser sometimes, I have tried to kill my first cookies (which, if I do it wrong, might kill hundreds of thumbnails for which
I paid some transfer costs that were higher than the justly priced 110$ for downloading and subscribing to Stardocks things, giving me
close to half a gig of great things already, there still are some questions and potential issues which might clarify themselves up next
tuesday again. My bandwith sucks and will not be improved til autumn. Stardocks server is sure to be VERY fast and powerful, but of,
course, with 4 million up and downloaders, might seem to slow for some browsers time out settings, which I have also tried to adjust
in vain. You are not to be blamed for my bandwidth, and if I could fork over thousands of dollars to improve yours just like that, this would be
the time to do it.
In the meantime, copyrights and tools are coming in, but I still cant upload a logon neither stardock.zipped nor unzipped as suggested
in the uploading mask, while my telephone companies mail server does allow my attaching and successfully mailing the preview,
readme text unhtml style, and the unzipped logonxp.
This is no critique, just an explanation why I am currently still taking more than I am giving, and this is not just another attempt to turn
an article into a chat site artificially.
I have already posted a dead link still existing, and also reported when things started out to work again, which I will try to do next german
tuesday, if there are changes, so let´s not do that again now.
How do I find the right cookie names, or do I have to total everything my windows searcher finds with WC or joeUser like I tried to a
certain extent only yet so as not to also total all my settings for so many nice programs that took a while and some bandwidth to
On my Ju site, when i reenter the browser and login and refresh, some articles are still private, although when I then enter the editing
mask and refresh, everything looks fine there and not private, for example, but even resubmitting and logging out and closing down
the browser does not help. By the way, should I stay logged in or out when waiting for changes or corrections. In general, I thought
logging out was always good at the end of a day or having posted/editing things, plus for viewing updated stats and refreshing em
you should be logged out. Well, see what happens next week. All that would help til then is a little more explicit brief instruction on
killing cookies, and my cleaning up me system and waiting, I guess.
How often should I kill cookies? Which ones do I kill first?