The Evil Empire has had several important events happen in the past two weeks. It's gained another member, increasing the number of overlords by 14%. The two players with 0 scores and no alignment have been kicked out of the empire. A single chaotic good player joined the empire. His latest games seemed to be tending toward evil ones, but we stuck to our policy of evil only, and he was booted out of the empire. Most importantly, the Evil EMpire have reached number 8 in the metaverse. It is incredible that an empire of only 8 people can reach 8th place so quickly. While Evil Empire territory is only a small part of the galaxy, the amount we control grows almost every day. The dedicated members of the Evil Empire submit several games every day, and the Evil Empires score is now over half a million points. The Evil Empire sends out thanks to Tom Lemke for his help in bringing us to this point.
As stated in my previous blog, I will teach a new Nand1-word every article. Today's word is "crasy". It pretty obviously means crazy. I use this one all the time, and I even use this one when I'm writing forum posts. Here's some examples of how to use it: "That's a totally crasy idea"; "No way, your crasy"; "Nand1's blogs are crasy good!". I doesn't sound better than crazy, but it flows off your tongue much easier. Try it. "Crasy" "Crasy". Flows so well doesn't it

. I came up with this one way back when I was playing Infantry, an online overhead shooter game. I was using the nick chocolatemonkey. You could design a little flag that would go by you're name, and I wanted to make one. So I opened up the editing program and started drawing the letters. I typed in "I'm Crazy". Then it ocurred to me that it would have even more effect if I spelled it wrong. You'd think that a real crazy person wouldn't spell it exactyly right would you? So thats how I started using crasy instead of crazy.