When my redneck friend (yeah, the one I always 'shop') sent me this Windows 12 tidbit, I figured "He's seeking vengeance for all my miserable shops." Then I started researching it. As with most things MS, there are two sides. One says it's in the works, the other says nah, 11 is barely here.
It seems it's all based on a SwiftSecurity tweet which was supposed to be a joke, and was deleted. Well, that stopped nothing in our current age of conspiracy theories, of course.

What then followed was a list of what should be in W12, it's release date and what's needed for W12, etc.
MS has, of course, revealed nothing and confirmed even less.
Say, didn't they say W10 was the last OS and it would be updated indefinitely? I guess the sales department had something to say about that idea.
As usual, Martin Brinkmann at gHacks is the voice of sanity at the eye of this tempest in a virtual tea pot:
"Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system is supported until 2025, Windows 11, which Microsoft released just last year, has no final end of support date yet. Feature updates are supported for 2 years for Home users and Microsoft will release new versions that are supported for another 2 years.
If Windows 11 is supported for 10 years, the period of Windows 10's support, then Windows 11 will be supported until late 2031. Windows 12 will likely be released in the meantime, if Microsoft continues to push forward with its strategy." - Martin Brinkmann (gHacks)
My thought? MS always has something in the works. Is it W12 or just another OS to stimulate computer sales with hardware requirements...or is there a difference?
