This is not a new thing, MS has been doing it for years but we are never going to see the line
"Window 8/10/11 The Best OS Yet, Just Ignore all the Spying"
Peeps like us expect the Spying and third party access to grow with each New OS, so we take steps to prevent it, is it right Hell NO, but if we want to use Windows for free we deal with it and close down those backdoors.
I am sure many of us as Techy people help others, family and friends, so our job is to spread the word, educate and when we do work for said peeps show them how to negate this.
Some are saying in this topic "I will not move to Win 11 Due To This, i will stick with Win 10, come on guys and gals, the same thing was happening in that OS too, or do you really think MS spying on us is a Win 11 only thing.
LightStar In a perfect world Win 7 would have been a good point to stop, but how else is MS going to sell it's Go Faster Striped Windows even as a free upgrade.
Do we all remember MS telling us there will be NO Windows after Win 10, how many of us actually believed this when they read it for the first time, i did not, and the reason i did not is very simple.
MICROSOFT LIES TO PEOPLE, they have, they are, and they will continue too, the process to limit this to what we consider is ok is not only in the realms of Techy people, the free tools on the net are easy to find and use, so make the move to Win 11, shut down the loopholes, job done, or you can stick with an OS that will one day become dangerous to use as MS will make sure of that by stopping Security Patches and other Companies will remove support also.
Then one day you will think, it was far better MS knowing what sites i spend my time on (if you did not close this down) than a Pirate scumbag using an unsupported OS to empty your Bank Account.