Well hello folks! Here's hoping everyone was able to have a HEALTHY Christmas, and hopefully a healthy and happy New Year!!!
Been a few years since I've even lurked around these waters, but I figured I might check in and say "hi".
I'm still alive, and have (as of 10 days ago) relocated from the very center of Canada (Winterpeg) to the extreme west coast (Vancouver Island). I work remotely (mostly because I can) and am at this point semi-retired (which really means I work when I need space from the wifey.......just don't tell her
I said that!)
I would like to say that Canada is fairing somewhat well during these trying times, but that would be lying. Our (yes 'socialist') healthcare system shows it's cracks and threatens to buckle even in non-Pandemic times, so these days it's pretty depressing to find oneself in need of our healthcare. I have experienced the loss of 2 extended family members in the last 1.5years, directly due to Covid-19 (and no, neither had underlying health or immune system issues) and I can say our system (Canada's healthcare) DOES NOT WORK! (at least not in the middle of a pandemic). It remains my daily hope and prayer to not need our healthcare system in any way ON any day lest it fail also my immediate family.
Having said all of that, I am double-vaxxed (been so since the day it was available to me) and will get the booster once my age group is allowed. I wear a mask always and most importantly conduct myself when out and about as if I hold the lives of those around me in my own hands (meaning: I take YOUR health just as seriously as my own).
-- monk out