Correction on the above posting:
There will be no twitch stream for SK, because SD did not pay their twitch bill and are disconnected from their account;
Maggie ate the giveaways;
And even if there are some giveaways left, these are reserved for founders;
Islanddog has been caught for running around without a collar and now resides in the city dog pound.
Look in my eyes and listen to my voice:
"Your eyes are getting heavy;
Only my voice matters, on the count of three you will only listen to my voice and will disregard any other stimuli;
1, 2, 3;
There is no Sorcererking game;
There is no release stream of said not-existing game;
You don't want to have a game called Sorcerer king;
You are not interested in any giveaways;
You have better things to do than waste your time watching your display;
You really want to go outside for some fresh air;
When i snap my fingers you will awaken, and forget this posting exist, forget anything about Sorcerer king, and go do anything besides anything related to Sorcerer king."
Okay, with everybody now away, maybe i now make a chance of winning something.