It's not that your professors are idiots, people are idiots in general.
Evolution has been the dominant theory in explaining life on Earth pretty much since Charles Darwin came up with a hilariously poor explanation for the divergence of species.
Academia loves it. So much so, that they go to great lengths to avoid such addendum's as intelligent design. Twenty years ago, the evidence for evolution was about as good as the evidence for the flying spaghetti monster. The gaps(which are conveniently predicted never to be closed) in the fossil record are still immense today. Quite a few species have turned out not to actually be different species at all. Neanderthals are alive and well, living in the Balkans. They're just people.
The theory has evolved over time, but it became widespread and accepted in academia long before it became what it is today. I consider it a likely explanation, many biology teachers consider it the only possible explanation and are unable to even discuss the possibility that it's wrong. It was wrong, it probably still is wrong. What are the odds that we've actually got it licked? It's not as if someone can wait thousands of years while they watch molecules form protein chains. If it turns out they don't, well shit, we have to rethink the start yet again...
Science is a progression of one dud theory after another. Some of them change over time as new things are learned, as evolution has, or the theory of relativity. Some are just plain wrong, like early theories on light, fire, how basic elements were composed. Academia jumps all over them and starts banging away at it like they're laws. They're not. Consider how hilariously wrong someone would have been a century back, teaching gravity and time to their students.
AGW isn't gravity. We can model gravity pretty damned well. We can't model our climate worth a damn. We take approximations, and match them to approximations just fine, but when they advance a few years into actual climate data, they're way off and diverging further with every year.
When you expect some insignificant little prick teaching classes to actually be right about something new, and changing all the time, you are expecting something truly impossible. They aren't even keeping up with it, they're busy teaching classes on information that is probably years out of date in many areas. They're also using government approved teaching material in many cases, which may or may not actually represent what was known at the time they decided to add it.
I don't expect infallibility from people. I expect the opposite. Take your science classes with the same respect you'd give art appreciation. One need only look at what cleaning things like the Sistine Chapel has resulted in to know that every last one of those people teaching about the beauty in the dirty walls was a fucking moron. They did such a thorough job of deluding themselves that an entire industry was going into convulsions over how they were ruining beautiful artwork by revealing bright colors under the centuries of grime. The one thing you really need to learn from your education is critical thinking, and it's the one thing you wont by simply accepting everything they teach you. Question it.