- Rising sea level.
Been happening for tens of thousands of years, won't switch into reverse until the ice age starts back in. Current trends are completely fucking normal.
- Rising sea acidity.
It's called marble, grind it up, pollute the oceans with it. We use tons of the stuff for antacid. Much of the acidification is completely unrelated to atmospheric CO2 though. Nitrogen fertilizers.
- Rising sea temperature.
Largely cyclical, probably just a function of the intensity of ENSO. Our little blip of a record isn't even as long as the satellite records, useless for claiming otherwise.
- Lowering thermosphere temperature.
No shit, solar maximums and minimums have been decreasing over the course of our satellite record. The damned thing collapses during the minimums, and expands back out during the maximums. It's a direct corollary, CO2 is irrelevant.
- Changes in the spectra at the earth's surface and at the top of the troposphere.
This assumes, yet again, that the minor fluctuations in direct radiation loss, a small portion of a highly flexible overall system, will doom us all. If, on the other hand, natural forcings have been radically underestimated by falsifying the past temperature record, it might be completely irrelevant.
- Retreating of glaciers.
Yeah, it's called an ice age. We had one. Permanent ice down to about where I live in the southern US, where you live was how many miles deep in the stuff? Why would I get excited over yet another expected result of being in an interglacial...
- Thinning of the arctic ice.
Mythical bullshit, pure and simple. The arctic ice thins off regularly. There are records going back centuries, that disprove this nonsense about it being the first time it's ever happen. It's nothing new, the northwest passage was clear before, you couldn't see ice from Russia, etcetera etcetera. Old news to anyone that gets outside the highly insular and hilariously dishonest AGW bubble of information.
- Basic physics which relates CO2 to warming (which in turn is more or less proven by a wide diversity of paleo-records).
Or not, because it's a product of ocean temperatures rising and expelling the CO2, and not the other way around? Just the minor issue of which came first. They can't even model it, pretending it's proven is absurd.
- Record hot summers.
Yeah, the 30's were a real bitch. The temperature record is a lie. The dust bowl era has been erased. It happened. The severe droughts and high temperatures that beat our last heat wave are a matter of historic significance. The official temperature record doesn't reflect it anymore. Past temperatures have been reduced, to support the fiction that current temperatures are somehow extreme. This irrefutable contradiction between the USHCN temperature record, and the physical reality of past temperatures puts the lie to the entire US surface station network. If we're lying about ours, who else is?