What I don't understand is why a developer can't just....tell us what they're working on.
Is there some sort of strategy that I'm not aware of?
Will you be announcing something soon, Frog?
Because no matter how much they tell us, people still ask for more. If they tell us more, people then ask for even more.
And if they were to tell us absolutely everything, that still won't stop the questions, instead they'll get:
-when will beta start?
-when will it be done?
and the even worse:
-why isn't X in the game?
-I don't like Y, can you change it to YY?
-Add Z or else the game sucks
And after game design plans change, as they always do, we'll hear:
-you promised A and took it out, the game now sucks!
-I liked B and now you changed it to BB, change it back please!
They can't win, and when you can't win, saying less is generally better than saying more, and we players have only ourselves to blame