How many things do you retain from earlier times in life when you weren’t as discriminating as you are now? They used to call them old wives’ tales back in the day which originated in the oral tradition of storytelling as did many other things. The stories did not attempt to moralize, but to teach lessons and make difficult concepts like death or coming of age easy for children to understand. Also these stories are used to scare children so they don't do certain things. These tales were often collected by literate men, and turned into written works … who would have thought that? Other names are urban legends, proverbs, superstitions, folklore, maxims, aphorisms and other unverified claims. I am guessing we all have a few of those jewels floating around inside somewhere. Oh yea … barroom wisdom too. This clip is a demonstration of how easy it is to debunk a source on your own … just remember to ask “what is your source”. Why would anyone hide their sources because I cannot think of any good reason not to, but deceit comes readily to mind???
Why the media screw up science Part 1: Sources