Just got this in my email… so sharing.
The deal is at
Sounds pretty good to me…
For US only, right? There is no place to select country for home address.
StevenAus, I have no idea. They didn't say anything in the email I received.
They do say they do not ship internationally, and these are disks. There is a separate Canadian site (newegg.com.ca) but no .au site that I could find.
Sorry, my friend.
It would be kinda nice for more US companies to consider that the world consists of more than just the US...
Nice deal - picked this one up. Thanks doc!
I believe they do... you might just have found a great idea for yourself and some mates - get a NewEggOz going... maybe as a franchise?
My absolute pleasure, Pacov.
Now I just need to find out how to unsubscribe from newegg, guess I'll look on the web-site.
I wonder if they'll put it on hold for about six months. lol
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