IT is alright but doesn't deserve anything higher than an 8 out of 10.
They hold your hand too much and took away alot from the game without adding to it. Nothing is new in this game. Diablo 3 is a major letdown, feels more like a clone to me and the graphics are not terribly good. Wish I would have had a chance to try the beta, I would not have bothered.
Not to mention that most classes only use weaps for stat increases and only use the weapon if they run out of their special power(almost never). The monk for example equips weapons and carries them around but warps them to his back and uses his fists than afterwards they warp to his hands again, no animations using even monk oriented weaps like knuckles.
I want to make a mage with a sword who when his magic runs out fights hand to hand but sadly they took that option from you, and you basically never run out of magic except when using secondary abilities and that is only for a second or two.
The art direction is very poor as well. Wish they would have went for the dark gothic feel of D1, instead you have dungeons with giant swinging cleavers and areas in caves that glow from red to green to blue. Way to much color and it takes away from a dark scary setting. After a few weeks and the frenzy dies off the true reviews will be out and any higher than 8, they are paid.
Some things don't need to be changed and they should have stuck with the D2 formula but implemented a way to respec your character by paying in-game gold. I would say save your money and buy Titan Quest + Exp. Graphics are just as good but it is much more fun to play with many more character classes to choose from. D3 is by far the worst in the series not to mention the constantly online DRM that has already been circumvented and duped items are showing up, I would only give D3 a 6 out of 10.