'Policing' the world isn't working.
No, our current foreign policy isnt working.
reaching into someone else's back pocket never ends well.
Your implying that America is stealing from other countries? How? Who? What are we stealing? We invade, set up democratic governments, and in return the people like us and so trade their goods. Thats not to say that its okay for our businesses to go overseas and exploit other countries, but that isnt a direct result of invasion. Its a separate problem that calls for regulation.
Invasion for any other reason [other than defense] is about suppression and subversion nothing more.
Ahh, but our being in the middle east is an act of defense. America always seeks a bigger stick, so as to be better equipped to negotiate and demand of other countries. By always being more powerful, we dont have to worry about defending ourselves because nations are too scared to defy us in the first place. It IS justified, so long as we american people make sure we elect the right politicians.
When a nation decides to invade another and civillians (as they invariably will) get killed this is a direct result of said invasion and nothing else.
Exactly; casualties happen. Military leaders (at least nowdays) are taught to minimize casualties as much as possible, but unfortunately such is the consequence of war: casualties. Its no different than when someone gets in an accident and kills some people. Yes there are reckless drivers, and drunk ones, but not all drivers that end up accidentally killing people deserve blame. Sometimes accidents just happen. As for the people that are reckless, they should be courmartialed which they are 99% of the time.
The few DO define the many.
I understand what your saying actually. The few CAN give a false pretense about the true definition of the many, but in the end the many do indeed truly define the many.
not all Islamists want US interests dead.
I realize that sometimes a few apples spoil the bunch (or vice versa), and at one time I would have agreed with you, but one must consider what islamists believe. Yes, not all islamists want to blow themselves up, but all islamists read the Qur'an, which all copies of openly mention and declare the constitution an abomination before God and [insert other freedom and america hating things]. There are some islamists that dont agree with everything in the Qur'an (regarding all the hate against america) and those people get cool points with me.
Keeping America's power above that of other nations? What are we in grade-school here? My dad is bigger/stronger than yours.
It has nothing to do with "oh I am powerful and better than you" and everything to do with bettering our nations strengths against people that want to see it fall by using the same methods of strengthening their nation (invading, occupying, negotiating (in other words foreign policy)).
Also, if you still actually believe that the US is in any real position of power then you really do need to stop using CNN as your source of [reality] information.
Even if America was in decline, it's definitely still the most powerful nation on earth.
Lastly, you don't "bring civilization and democratic government to the liberated". No one does. Know why? Because what works for one people/nation may not and in many cases will not work for others.
This statement isnt necessarily false, but I dont like its implications. Granted there are certain situations the US should approach differently, and some they should back off of... anyways you got me here.
Anyways, dont think I like everything our government has done. I cling to tea party republican values, but am not satisfied with either party. Im for small government, yadayadayada.