My eyes, after seeing the results on my system.
His review is three years old and they haven't written a word about it since (according to their search engine his review is the only thing they have posted on it in three years) and I find that odd in itself. They have had four articles on CCleaner in the past year, from the portable version to enhancing to a review last AUgust (2 of which are by Gralla) not to mention his list have 10 must have downloads.
I notice you can't select which drive you want to scan (that I can find). When you have dual boot/multiple drives, external scans them all. For the novice, like me, how do I know the stuff on my Vista drive it wants to delete even though I ran it from Windows 7 is safe to delete and won't screw up Vista? Why does it want to delete (safely it says) anything at all from my external drive? For the completely uninformed, there is no mention of this in their help guide and that person may just click fix for everything. A lengthier review of the product and a better description by Mr. Gralla may stop the uninformed from believing they have just found the wonder cleaner that can do it all on it's own.
"It identifies Registry entries that may be dangerous to delete, and those that are safe to delete, so you can distinguish between the two. It also lets you decide which entries to delete, and which to keep"
and then he adds
"For safety's sake, it can also back up your Registry before a scan, so that you can restore it, if the program causes any problems."
It should read 'we strongly and always recommend' backing up your registry when running software that is scanning it for files to delete and don't go picking files to delete unless you know what you're doing because that restore point can be deleted or cut off from you as easily as anything else.
His review seems lacking compared to other, more in depth articles and reviews. It's almost kind of a 'do this as favor to get them off my back' kinda review compared to his other articles (to speculate any further would be slanderous). That's just MHO.
Like I said, it may be harmless. It may run forever just fine on your PC or any. But it is a STRONG piece of software, akin to System Mechanic, and for someone who doesn't know what they are doing (like me 8 years ago with system mech) it can screw up your PC. He makes no note of that in his review.