Yep, in 1962, we let the Supreme Court kick God and Christian prayer and principles out of school. Put Secular Humanism in its place. ANd what's that done for us?
SAT scores on tests that have been made easier....down.
Teen Suicide up.
Illegal drugs up.
Criminal arrests of teens up.
School killings of student upon student, student upon teachers up.
Births to unmarried school girls up.
Abortion up.
Bullying up.
Teacher/student sex abuse up.
Student depression up.
Maybe you should take a look around the world to see what statistics other countries have and then maybe you wouldn't agree with such naive uneducated conclusions as to what causes such problems.
I don't have to look around the world to know what happened and what is happening in America as far as public education is concerned.
Like it or not, agree or not, these are factual conclusions. direct results that followed taking God and Judeo-Christian principles out of schools and instituting Secular and Atheistic Humanism in its place.
I'm a graduate of a superb public education during the 50s, the last generation whose educational philosophy complied with Judeo-Christian principles, ethics and values. Then, the big problems in school were talking in class, standing out of line, gum chewing, and so on.
Then, parents sent their kids to schools knowing that the school would respect, not challenge, ignore, or usurp their parental rights and authority. Then, discipline was taught and practiced. Then, educators taught patriotism , morals and character along with reading, writing, math and the sciences. We started and ended the day with a prayer. We respected our teachers, and were civil and decent to one another. Then, the primary function of education was teaching facts and subject matter, and schools were not human resource centers.
I believe the difference between then and now, is because we were given ethical and moral standards. Both history and statistical evidence show that there was no student violence, toward other students and teachers, no police presence required in schools, no drug testing needed, no epidemic of students infected with venereal diseases. Then, our schools weren't plagued with drug abuse, teen promiscuity, and pregnancies. Then, Students weren't stressed out, depressed or committing suicide.
But with the cultural and sexual revolution of the early 60s, came the infusion of the principles of Secular and Atheistic Humanism into the curriculum of our schools. Humanistic educators believe the proper role for schools is to change, create or clarify student's values and since God was reduced to irrelevant, the only absolute truth is that there are no absolutes values...all is relative and what seems good to one is morally right and they can choose. This is especially true in the area of kindergarten through 12th grade classroom sex instruction.
Today, any objective person can only conclude that the staggeringly high numbers and instances of these pathologies in our student population are causalties of Humanist classroom sex instruction.