Psychoak – I am amazed at the ease some have of presenting what ails America along political lines. It seems that you believe only one side of the aisle is capable of honesty and straightforwardness … I do not think there is any validity in that. Surely you are not implying that the neocons and their supporters are above the political fray and don’t thrive from “a predetermined viewpoint based on some idiot he they thought was smart explaining the way something happened (without having a clue themselves) and twists, ignores, and fabricates his their way into making it reality.” Come on now … fair is fair and everyone should claim their share of lies and deceit. As far as Cuba, Gore and GW are concerned, I would be glad to talk about them … just not under a review for this movie.
There's an aisle?
It's hilarious that you use the term neocon in reference to the other side of the non-existent aisle. I've been called one myself on various occasions by idiots like Mumblefratz.
A neocon, a short form derivation of neoconservatism, refers to a movement on the left side of the aisle, not the right. It was the Democrats that went Reagan on the wingnut socialist party leaders who absolutely destroyed the Democratic party in the 70's.
They're Democrats that take a proactive outlook on foreign exploits. Of course, this label fits Bush rather well, since he's a big government progressive himself and greatly increased the size and scope of government during his terms, but then you've probably convinced yourself that the guy was a right wing lunatic, so I'll be talking to a wall here. If your ear canals do still lead to active neurons, you might like to know that the practical application of left and right in regards to the GOP and the Democratic party haven't been anything resembling accurate in a full century.
We haven't had a true right winger since Warren G Harding, even Reagan was fairly liberal in his viewpoints compared to constructionists like me. It's why the Libertarian party exists to such a great degree, and why the Socialist party has never gained any traction. Both major parties are on the left side of the aisle, leaving no room for the Socialist party, and nowhere for the "fuck off and leave me alone" crowd to go.
As far as claiming their share of lies and deceit, that would require a great redress of currently accepted academia. Keynes was a complete retard. The entire body of work built around his idiotic, nonsensical ideas that had already been disproved by multiple depressions caused by the exact same thinking, has to go away.
The money multiplier effect from government spending is myth. There isn't one, never has been, never will be. Wealth isn't in money, it's in production of goods and services. When you take money out of the private sector, and put it to hand outs, the maximum possible positive effect is zero. The why is simple, the endpoint for that money is exactly where it came from. All government spending can do is increase the loss in the mean time, by removing it from those who produce more effectively, the people from whom the vast majority of tax revenue is collected from as a logical result of having actually gained wealth through their efforts.
Once you start with economics grounded in reality, the rest is small potatoes. Of course, both parties are still on the wrong side of the aisle even then, but that's to be expected. Half of them are fucking lawyers, parasite #1 draining 2% of our GDP in revenue for doing nothing of use and adding massive levels of waste to every aspect of the economy. When someone says "kill all the lawyers" in response to a problem, it really is a good idea.