What are conspiracy theories and from whence do they come? My Father was quite (?) intelligent (in a drunken sort of stupor) always answering the most questions on Jeopardy and such … but he went to the grave with the firm belief that we never landed on the moon …. There were NO arguments or ‘proof’ that he would accept … and I just could not understood … until later in my life.
Some believe, others don't, I fall in the believers side. Why? Maybe because I don't see how such a thing can be lied about at a time when everyone was watching everyone and I just don't see why anyone would lie about such a thing while the rest of the world simply sits there and accepts it. Besides, The Mythbusters disproved all the myths about how the videos were not real. 
Conspiracy theories (if not just politically motivated) are like legends and customs and beliefs in the unexplainable, they are rooted in the truth or at least a plausible alternatives to approved (governmental) propaganda. I don’t know about you, but I can appreciate a good conspiracy (mystery) … whatever.
The good thing about theories is that it gets people thinking, looking and learning at the same time and I believe this to be the best way for people to stay at least a bit in reality as oppose to simply sitting there and "drinking the kool-aid"
9/11: I have spent a lot of time watching buildings fall from some anomaly or another and from intentional destruction keeping in mind collateral damage (my husband actually likes this stuff?). There is no doubt what happened initially to the twin towers (is there?). So we need to analyze the reality of the results. In all my observations (couldn’t watch them all I suppose), I cannot recall any instance in which one let alone two buildings of even much less stature, that fell straight down without human intervention. The implications here are staggering and just about impossible for me to accept … but there are sound arguments for this line of thinking. There is much more to this issue I assure you.
I'm no construction expert but I just find it hard to believe that somehow our own Govt was able to rid these 2 buildings in a way that would allow them to be brought down after 2 planes crashed into them and all of this without anyone knowing except those who knew and kept it quiet. If such a thing is even possible I would be even more horrified of the people who work in our Gov't and would almost find myself having a better understanding as to why terrorist want to destroy us.
I can not accept that our own Gov't would be this crazy, I just can't. I don't care how crazy some poeple out there might be, I simply refuse to believe that the citizens are this nation would be capable of voting in that many crazy people in order to have enough of them to pull off such an action. Even if some of them hired people, I just can fathom how we could have that many crazy people running this country. Either way I could not possibly do enough research to be able to reach a well educated conclusion on whether this was the case or not as it would require me to become somewhat of an expert of explosives, construction design, architecture, construction materials strength, durability and composition and also airplane engineer because there is no way i could possible understand everything that would have been involved that could allow me to determine if this catastrophe was man made. But that's just me of course.
WWII: Why did we become involved in it … or maybe a better question would be ‘why did Japan get in’ (Start it?) I will give you a little hint here … OIL … and what do you think will result when OUR OIL gets cut off? Pretty much the exact same thing Japan enjoyed, I would suspect. This couldn’t happen if we were not so dependent on foreign oil … which of course we are. This could not happen if the US Government wasn’t considered (rightly so I guess) to be the world’s enforcers. And this could not happen if we did not live in a country of self-serving miscreants … which of course we have. This can and will happen as conditions are ripe for domination … and there are sound arguments for this line of thinking.
Here I probably could agree that our reasons for entering WWII were probably a lot more than nobility and to"avenge" the attack on Pearl Harbor and what ever other reason history cites. Things most of us would probably never consider or probably think possible but were willing to look the other way and pretend to be ignorant of it.
Iraq: There are seemingly many reasons to go to war (I wonder what they are though?). I think an actual affront to our National Security might do it but … well, our media (the largest enabler of our government propaganda machine) tells us whatever it is we are supposed to accept, know AND believe (I run into this brick wall daily). You remember those trustworthy folk in the media who salivate over the excretions of our even MORE trustworthy government. If you are still open to suggestion … I would hint at … OIL as opposed to WMD’s or ‘yellow cake’!
Definitely more than meets the eye. Even I can agree to this.