I can only accept this if you can convince me that our Government propagates moral fortitude … anywhere. If you can accept that normal in Iraq is not the same as normal is in America, that would be a good start. If you want to understand then you have to look outside the circle. See if this works for you:
Normal is not for everyone to be the same. Let's be realistic here, there is no such thing as normal because normal is a very, very subjective word. I personally don't know why were are trying to give Iraqis any kind of freedom; if they want it, as Tova put, they should bleed for it themselves. I thought we went there because of WMDs and because Saddam attacked out airplanes. Did we have allies in Iraq that needed defending? if so then there's another valid reason. But for freedom and moral reasons? Sorry, not my problem. We can offer help, assistance and maybe even the materials needed to build such a lifestyle but to give it to them, fight it for them and die for them while they don't appreciate it?
Islamic fundamentalism is exactly the same as our desire for a democratic world. What they want is to convince the world that Western Capitalism is the real problem. So our solution to date on this dilemma is to force feed the world on our moral and religious self-rightness which is a miserable failure here in this the freest most powerful democratic Nation on earth … and we have been free for hundreds of years. You can leed them to YOUR chosen path, but you cannot force them down it. I am trying to talk about the actual needs of THEIR People here and you are weighing microscopic probabilities and it all is based on what our Government feels isimportant. Have you looked at your Government lately (hint, step outside the circle again)?
You may be right, but the big difference is that they have issues with our Gov't but take it out on it's people by using their own people to do the dirty work. Here, most of the time we don't even know there is a relationship (of any kind) with them. We may seek to want them to be more like us, they want to force us to be like them or die. You may see it as forced but you seem to ignore or forget (the former likely) that they are a forceful people as well. The possibilities may be microscopic but again you cant ignore them but in this world even the microscopic can not be ignored or it can come back to bite you.
Have I looked at my own Gov't lately? I look at it every day and I get disgusted by it every day worrying about the people of another nation while ignore those here. Constantly giving money away to nations who don't give a damn about us while our own people suffer. I know what kind of Gov't we have here, one that has lost it's way, that has become corrupted by greed because greed is a human thing and all politicians are human regardless of party.
In order to use this statement, you have to be a little more specific. 'Relationships' bothers me as it defines absolutely nothing. Relationships on a world stage are conducted by Governments and other financial interests, not by or for the people. On this stage, people are mere commodities whose welfare does not weigh into the equation or I should say is not very high on the priority list. The reason the world is in such a mess is because all the miscreants (Governments) around the world want to force all the other miscreants (and their people) around the world to bow to their MORAL values and American Imperialism is in the forefront of it all. If you want to help, give things the people NEED, not what YOU think they need … Guidance not force.
If it bothers you that's not my problem. i'm not gonna change my way of thinking or talking to accommodate other peoples inability to understand something so simple. The big problem is how things are today and how people seem to accept it as if there is no alternative but if there is one thing one can learn about this planet is that nothing is absolute and that change is constant, the real sad part is that it will take a large disaster to get people to wake up back into reality. 9/11 comes to mind. of course leave it to people to have short term memory issues.
BTW, I don't appreciate the whole "American Imperialism" comment. We are not perfect or innocent in the world events of today but we are hardly trying to take over the world, not with Presidents who continue to bringing us to the brink of economic collapse and having China just waiting to swoop in and claim their stake on our land. You don't need to lose any sleep over this.
... not even sure where to start here ... help. As I see it, you are claiming that a Government can do anything it wants if it claims "it benefits us (or them directly) in some way" is ok with you ... Isn't that the way it is now?
Wow, you totally missed the point on that one. My point was how the Gov't seems to think they can do what they want with the excuse that it is for our benefit because in the end they depend on the same thing they always depend on, the average Americans ignorance and this seems to be something this country tends to be really good at giving the Gov't.