It seems Jared Loughner, the perpetrator of the mass murder in Arizona over the weekend in which a federal judge and a nine year old girl (amongst others) were killed and a Congresswoman was critically wounded was just your average nut-job. He has a few youtube posts up, mostly gibberish about creating a new currency, the way years are enumerated, 'conscience dreaming' (by which I can only assume he means 'lucid dreaming') as well as some minor rants about grammar (his own is atrocious) and mind control.
However, as all the pundits on tv wring their hands and ask "why?"....I already know the answer.
This Manchurian candidate wasn't pushed over the edge by any targets or bullseyes used on political ads. Nope. And he wasn't encouraged by a 'climate of hate' purportedly spawned by the evil Sarah Palin. Nope.
Rock and Roll is what done it.
How do I know? Visit the link above, it will take you to his youtube page. He goes by the moniker 'classitup.' View the last entry, titled "America: Your Last Memory in a Terrorist."
In this video you'll see him weirding out to the tune of Drowning Pool's classic song, "Bodies" in which they chant over and over again "Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor."
He was obviously encouraged and egged on by these lyrics, so for the sake of safety, we need to tone down the rhetoric in rock and roll. Rock and roll has been encouraging young people to engage in all sorts of evil deeds for decades now, promoting everything from promiscuous sex and drug abuse to suicide and satan worship. Now it seems to be motivating our youth to political assassinations as well.
Keep America Safe, Ban Rock and Roll!