When does the US law allow lunatics to possess automatic weapons.
When they are not prosecuted due to either lack of information, or in the case of Dupnik, incompetence. It seems your 'poster boy" is a bigger menace to his society than Loughner because he failed to do HIS job.
Or is a lunacy case being propogated so that Palin's poodles can escape death penalth that should be their due.
So now you want to kill people because you do not agree with them? Who is the lunatic now?
I think REp Giffords clearly dstatred that putting her district in "crosshairs" pf a gun is incitement and she did say that she feared the cionsequence.
hey clueless - the DNC did it in 2004, and Moveon.org did it in 2008! So why are they not to blame? because you are a lunatic that wants to kill those you do not agree with?
If the First Ammendment Right to bear arms is so vital then whjat about concealed weapons.
2nd Amendment clueless.
Dupnk is an upright public official who said clearly that the vitriol from perhaps the "tea party" types is leading to a fall in the standard of public discourse.
He is a clueless incompetent that only an idiot could call upright. His favorite commentator is a lunatic named Rachel Madcow, and his office was made aware of Loughner's rantings long before the shootings. Know what he told the complainers? buy a gun! his office could do nothing. Well, if they had a law officer as sheriff instead of a politician, something would have been done. Since even a conviction on any of the death threats that loughner made would have made him ineligible to buy the gun he used!
So your are not only clueless, a lunatic (wanting to kill your enemies), but also mentally misguided since the facts do not bear any relationship to your demented tirade. Those are the facts jack.