What wiki leaks is not covered by the freedom of the press/speech, and they are a pretty spinless lot as they tend to pick fairly soft targets like the US, when they actually take on someone like China or Iran or Nth Korea I might be impressed, but these jerks are just your typical USA haters. Personally I would like to see the whole lot locked up and left to rot. As well as the people supplying them with the leaks, and the Pommy Bastards who give them somewhere to continue their spinless operation.
One right between the eyes would be the best way, but it won't come from the US, which is why he picks countries like Australia & USA, he knows they will do everything by the book, where somewhere like Iran would be after him like a shot if he did this to them.
He is your typical Melbourne Uni Lefty, obnoxious prats, mostly members of the Ecological Marxists, (The Australian Greens), a name coined by one of the early members, not me.
We can only hope he does piss off one of these countries, and that will be the end, no more wiki leaks