If you care to expound on that, fine, but please don't turn this into something it wasn't intended to be.
That's it. Don't turn this into another theological debate Lula.
C'mon? Be reasonable. Don't you realize that when you write an article in which you quote Scripture, and make assertions as to what it means, that it's you who's asking for a theological debate?
Don't you realize the theological debate started on the first page when Doombrnger challenged your theological pov? BoobzTwo did as well, but when it comes to me...nope...nothing doing.
KFC posts:
What has happened over the centuries is many have gone above and beyond that and instead of teaching the gospel they are teaching man-made traditions and religions dogma and I think that's where B.T. is coming from. In your case, when I first met you, you had no real working knowledge of the bible. That's typical of most in your denomination. They have no knowledge so how is that for explaning the word of God? Their knowledge instead is more in line with their traditions and dogma than it is with the scriptures. If you don't believe me, bring a bible to church and ask anyone if they can open up to the book of Numbers or even Peter.
I plan to respond to this later I hope you don't delete this too.
KFC posts:
I don't want you to respond to it.
Okay, I won't at least not in the way I was originally planning.
However, it's necessary to remind you this is a discussion...and you can't expect to dish it out and give back of the hand swipes at the Church and Catholicism and not expect or allow me to respond.
BT made a comment to me which I responded to. You jumped in and made a comment trying to bring this back to baptism
I know I read it...in your response to BT, you took a swipe at the CC, just as you did above so...that brings me in.
This is not about Baptism or evangelism.
And I was never trying to bring this discussion to Baptism. You just assumed that I was and deleted my comment.
BT wrote she didn't need you or any organization to explain the Bible and your comeback was that the Church isn't about explaining anything. My rebuttal to that was to quote St.Matt. 28 which records the Church's mission is to Baptize as well as to teach.
I quoted Scripture which contains the word Baptize but that doesn't mean I want to bring the discussion to Baptism. I don't.