Because communisim and capitalism are the same thing.
Sounds like our schools have failed you. I'm just guessing economics was not your strong point. I'd love to hear your explanation, though. Should be interesting.
Sounds like our schools have failed you too. I'm just guessing sarcasm was not your strong point.
It's called a one-world government or one world order. We are fast approaching that time. Be careful what you wish for. The leader that will eventually lead this up is no Ronald Reagan or if you prefer...Bill Clinton.
Because dammit, uniting the human race under any banner but that of christianity is WRONG!
o this is going to be much greater than an eclipse. Alot more is involved. In fact if you kept reading you would see men hiding under cliffs and rocks begging them to fall on them to hide from their surroundings. It will be a terrible time. Not merely a simple eclipse.
And yet, if you could manage to get past the egocentric "I'm better than the ancients because I'm CHRISTIAN!" viewpoint that you have and continue reading past the point you picked out, you'd have seen that I continued with
were able to predict that sometime in the future a massive rock would come plummeting out of the sky to a point as yet unexplored on the planet's surface, eject a significant percentage of the crust of the planet into the atmosphere, with the larger chunks falling back to the planet several hundred miles away from the impact site, and that the impact would deform the planet enough to cause massive earthquakes and a tsunami large enough to wipe out most of europe, asia, and africa (AKA the known world).
Now, I'd call that an apocalypse, even if it doesn't involve an invasion by the evil invisible floating energy beings in the sky. But of course, because it has a logical explaination, it's dead wrong because dammit, the invisible floating energy being in the sky said it was going to happen different than that.
I'd ask for actual physical proof that the invisible floating energy being in the sky actually exisists and does all the crap your cult says it does, but you'll just try and shift the burden of proof onto the scientific community instead of actually trying to come up with logical and believable explaination to prove that invisible floating energy being in the sky does exist and does all the crap your cult says it does.
It's not about religion but about relationship that matters
Unless you don't believe that the christian god is the one true god. By the logic of the bible, if I have a good relationship with Thor, Odin and Loki, I'm going straight to hell because dammit, theres only one omnipotent invisible floating energy being in the sky and not a whole bunch of them.
He has no idea what he's wishing for.
Actually I have a fairly good grasp of what I'm wishing for. The fact that you are incapable of even hypothesizing a world where humanity is united under one banner and doesn't bow down to the cults without instantly assuming that the only way it would happen is at the apocalypse and under the antichrist just shows how good the various cults are at brainwashing. Of course the odds of it actually getting off the ground in the next fifty years are slim, as I'm sure 3/4 of the current indoctrinated christian population would instantly turn to mass acts of terrorism and assassination to try and stop it. of course, after we get to the point where the population of religious nutjobs is too old to actually be able to do anything about it, the odds start to increase drastically.
well it looks like your behind has quite the storage capacity!
Utilizing a population of 7.0 billion for the population of the world, 1/8th of the population is about 900 million, compared to the 2.2 billion population of christians. Shaving a quarter of that population off to account for non-diehard "if I just pray enough anything I need will come to me and I won't suffer" whackjobs who might actually approve of scientific advances that allow us to ensure the survival of the human race by settling a viable (IE more than two people) population on another planet, you end up with 1.6 billion, still more than the population of China. Shrinking those numbers down to the population of the US it's 38,750,000 people who state that we need to colonize another planet vs the 77 million diehard "we don't need to expand because god will save us" christians, or the EU(another supranational government by the way) with 63 million colonists vs 127 million diehards, and Japan with 16 million colonists vs 32 million diehards. I only mention these three because they are the only three with elected officials that can be influenced by the cults with the economic power and a space agency to actually attempt extraterrestrial coloinzation. China is far more likely to be the first to set up a permanent extraterrestrial colony, simply because it doesn't have to listen to the cults whining.