In all seriousness, why did Californians elect her?
Same answer for the question "Why Johnny Can't read".
Most people are stupid. What is supposed to differentiate man from animal is their ability to understand time. In other words, plan for the future. But alas most people have regressed to an animalistic stage and are basically lemmings that if you feed them, will jump off that cliff.
She has been in an elected office since 1988. That's 22 years! I didn't realize that she's 70 years old! The only reason she continues to get elected is the fact that she has money. Her popularity has been in the negative for quite some time. I'm not sure what ever happened to the whole CIA/waterboard lie she told but it just went away. When I was in Grad School, a professor had a poster on their door of all the stupid things Bush said, now why is there no poster of all the retarded things that Pelosi has said? I would buy several and mail it to certain people. That would be another post: The stupid things that come out of the mouth of the neonate who is Nancy Pelosi.
As for the money comment, I am glad to see Alvin Greene get elected (*note I feel that what he is being accused of is wrong) with little/no campaigning or with little/no money. I am not going to say that he, Alvin Green, is dumb because I don't know him and people said the same thing of Bush (which I don't know Bush and I don't think he was dumb though). I do feel his position on the polling box and his name probably were what contributed to him getting elected.
Doc, you need to be careful in saying that because you sound like Bill Maher (I'm not trying to insult you either, so please don't take it as an insult.) What you're saying could be taken as being an elitist, which I know you're not.
I think most people are probably apathetic, uniformed, and just plain don't care. Now, are their decision dumb? Yes, some of the time.