I think that both side want what is best for your country and the people in it
One should note that US liberalism as compared to other nations, does not necessary equate in meaning. You are correct that each side wants what is "best" for the country. The thing is what is their idea of best? Even the KKK has a notion of what is best for the country. I agree with Doc, the far left (and that does include a chunk of liberals) have really creeped me out over race relations in the last 20 years or so. Maybe I just started paying more attention. As Doc said, they accuse the right (Republicans in general) of racism to shut off any criticism. After all who listens to "no you do" arguments after it starts? Plus if it is said often enough it must be true. Mainly it is to perpetuate a stereotypical backwardness (as was done to Palin for example). Yet when actual examples of it surface (Biden and Reid statements come to mind) it is glossed over as an innocent gaff.
One just has to look at the handling of the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case by this administration to get a sense of "equality" in America today. Any fraud, by anyone should have been dealt with quickly and harshly. As long as groups strive to keep themselves dependent on the government handouts, it appears to be fine with this administration. They know the mob is never satisfied. and are using class warfare to its advantage, at least until it can tighten restrictive controls enough, adding a sprinkling of entitlements for "acceptable" behavior. They wouldn't want the population turning on them while they set themselves up nicely (health care "reform" for you, special health plans for them, cap and trade for you, carbon credit dollars, big homes, and private planes for them).
They must feel somewhat comfortable, because more and more of them are stepping into the light and making their intentions known.They promise everything except a days fair pay of a days honest work. It's all about control. If only they can get past that pesky constitution (they keep trying). Hopefully people will wake up and say enough is enough.