First let me say thank you to those who have helped me in the past and provided some great images for my blogs. Today I come with another request as my photo editing skills still are lacking. I really wish I could learn to create my own images but there are some things some are just not good at and photo editing is one I am not.
I was hoping someone could make a picture of the american flag for me, one that has the cool glass kind of look of the Windowblinds skins we see in Wincustomize these days. I need if for my thumbnail for but also the picture itself to post in my blog from time to time. I ask for an image cause I don't want to get one from, say, google image. I would like mine to be somewhat unique. Heck, I wouldn't mind if it look a bit like the icons for the iPod but with a 3D kinda look. I hope I am not asking too much.
Could someone create one for me please? I would greatly appreciate it.
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