A lot of people are scared by the word marriage. They think it means the giving up of their wants and desires to be eternally locked arm in arm with someone who is going to annoy them for the rest of their lives. This couldn't be further from the truth in my opinion. I would say that the people who think that have not seen a good example of what a marriage really is in their life. I feel sorry for them, I really do.
I believe that marriage is the best decision I've made in my life. My husband is my best friend and my partner in crime. We love to partner together in everything we do. Now our marriage hasn't always been easy, but no matter how hard it gets it always turns out to be good. It makes us wiser and more mature as people. Being married to my husband has not only made me a better person, but it has been the biggest encouragement in my life.
One of the goals in our marriage has always been to not sweat the small stuff. Like money for example. It can tear marriages apart, but we refuse to let that happen. To combat money becoming an issue in our marriage, we've set a budget for ourselves on how much we can spend on the things that we want. We have total freedom on what we can spend it on, but we can't spend over the limit. So when my husband wants to buy more mma apparel or I want to buy another Baggallini Bagg we can't bug each other about it lol. It's worked out quite well actually. Sometimes we want to spend our money on the same thing, like a pair of these to go see Muse. But if you just have to have your fight fix, you should watch The Marriage Ref. It's a new television show and I really like it. Check it out. Peace.