This photo is almost surreal. Who thought it would be a good idea to bring a Presidential seal and teleprompters into a 5th grade classroom? it looks like the President is trying to deliver an address to elementary school children. This guy becomes more laughable and absurd every day.
I could not help but notice the height of Mr. Teleprompter (TOTUS). Apparently Obama is too good to look at the common urchins, and must make sure they only see his chin. I guess that is called keeping a stiff upper lip?
Remember when Mr. Bush was in that class room during 9/11? He could have used a TOTUS to address the people and the children. Mr. Obama was just being ready for the next terror attack.
Ready? Or expecting? 5th graders can be very brutal!
though the picture is quite funny, I thought I read that the picture itself was doctored up? Maybe I am asking something that is commonly known, but is that pic actually REAL?
If it is someone put a lot of work into it, with the shadows and lighting. I heard about it long before I saw photos. No, I believe Obama wishes it was a fake, or at least a bad dream.
It was posted at Yahoo photos... and John Stewart ran actual video footage. I know its hard to believe, but it looks like Obama actually did this.
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