Choosing opponents should just use the advanced screen.
Sovereign Customization:
Sex: Male or Female
Base Attributes:
All default to 10. You get 10 points to add from this. Each point over 10 represents a 10% bonus to whatever it is applied to. So a strength of 11 would be Attack = Base Attack X (11/10).
· Strength (helps with attack)
· Intelligence (helps with spell learning)
· Wisdom (helps with spell casting cost in terms of mana)
· Charisma (helps with Diplomacy)
· Dexterity (helps with defense)
· Constitution (helps with HP)
Triggered events would make use of these to provide additional options.
History: (pick 1)
· Mason. (provides construction bonus in cities he’s in, gains access to unique tech)
· Warlord. (increases combat effectiveness of army he is with, gets special equipment)
· Merchant. (increases wealth produced in city he is in, gains access to special improvements).
· Bard. (increases moral of any army he is with, heroes easier to recruit)
· Swindler. (gets bonuses added to trade treaties)
· Assassin. (bonus to initial attack)
· Thief. (more loot after battles)
· Adventurer. (more and better goodie huts)
· Hunter. (“game” food resource becomes available)
· Brilliant. Increases research in any town he is in.
· Diplomatic. Increased diplomatic ability.
· Shrewd. Superior at negotiating deals.
· Lucky. Random events go your way more often.
· Organized. Decreases movement penalty for larger armies.
· Intimidating. Decreases enemy morale in combat.
· Natural Leader. Increases morale of friendly army in combat.
· Hardy. Bonus to HP.
· Tracker. Movement penalties reduced for going through rough terrain.
· Naturalist. Starting position slightly nicer.
Weaknesses (give points back to pick more items)
· Stubborn. Is more likely to not escape from a battle that goes badly.
· Unlucky. Random events tend to not go your way.
· Blunt. Increases difficulty in recruiting allies.
· Insane. Prestige of any city he is in is lower.
· Cruel. Morale of armies he is with is lower.
· Ugly. Fewer children
· Inefficient. Provides construction penalty in cities he’s in.
· Clumsy. Movement penalty in rough terrain increased.
· Outcast. Starting position slightly worse.
Additional traits and training can be picked up during quests in game.