Remember back before the election? When people worried about Obama's level of experience? (Well, with anything besides voting to kill live born abortions and voting present? He was actually good at those things.)
Turns out the worriers were right. He really is clueless.
The General, in his life-time professional military experience, asks for more troops to win the war on terror in Afghanistan.
Obama, in his community organizer experience, says we don't need more troops right now General, we need more strategizing.
Wow. Obama's statement shows how little he knows about the military, about fighting a war. What does he think the hundreds/thousands of people in headquarter positions (in Afghanistan) and around the world are doing 24/7? They're strategizing to win this thing! It's a constant fluid process.
So obviously Obama's double speak is really: "Sorry General. First off, you pissed me off by telling people I'm not paying attention. So, no. Second, I have anti-war people at home to bow down too. So, no. Third, what the heck do I need to give reasons to you for? I'm the boss. The big khuna. Those dying soldiers probably didn't vote for me anyway, so screw'm. The Olympics is way more important to THIS community organizer! Oh, and once we get a litte time between your interview and the are so fired."