facts, videos, excerpts, ideas pesented over 4 hours.
I've mentioned them over and over in the other thread.
All his out of context clips, videos, and facts-presented-as-what-ifs with nothing to back them up. He raises questions and gives no concrete answers. I can do that. Let's start with his public admission of reading 'Mein Kampf'. He claims that it was only to understand the mentality of those behind it. Others could easily jump to the conclusion he's a Nazi. He's hiding a secert agenda. Their are people who woul;dn't even allow their own hands to be 'soiled' by that book that would jump to more extreme conclusions. In the end, without being mind readers, you either take him on his word or not. The same goes for his self proffessed alcoholism. You could assume that he is permantly unstable and feel he could never be trusted because that temptation will always be there. Alcoholism never gets 'better'. Medically it has been proven that when an alcoholic picks up again it's as if they never stopped. They don't pick up where they left off. Again, you give him the benefit of the doubt or not. He continuously throws out things and does nothing but imply the worst case scenario. All for ratings, money, and to secure his job, despite what he says. Because if he started being responsible in what he did, he'd be out of a job. He won't step back and look at what he insists is the real truth the way he would like people to look at him. He's a hypocrite. How does his religion factor in on that?
This guy is going down. He even knows it. It was like watching Kathy Lee Gifford cry her eyes out and whine the last few months she was on Regis. It was so much like 'Network' I kept expecting to see Sybill The Soothesayer pop up next to the shrink and give her prediction on exactly how long it would be.
You want to go on about the facts. Beck confessed his sole motivation, what he calls the worst thing that could happen to him on national TV. Fact. What would you do if Obama used those exact words? Where would you start? Would you want to know who that God was? What if it was the Jewish or Muslim God and not a Mormon God (as Beck's professed faith)? Would you then argue that one is better than the other, depending of course if it is the 'radical' version of that God or not? Would it be acceptable? If you will follow Beck, now that he has revealed what his driving force which would seem to be honoring his God by saying the inflamatory things he does WITHOUT backing them up or showing proof, but in sound bites and video clips, idle speculation, and inuendos galore, would you follow Obama should he chose to run the country on the same principals and in the same manner?
We are victims. We have been since 9/11. In a few moments of time on a single day we became paranoid, frightened, fearful, and felt lost. What we thought, hoped, and prayed would never happen actually did. Most to this day still ask themselves 'How did it happen? How could it have hapened?' We became angry. Over the course of the following days and months and years, nothing happened to ease those feelings for a lot of people. And I am not blaming anyone for not being able to ease those feelings. The people I do blame are the ones who prey on them. The ones who do it because they are in a place to be heard and can do it and seek profit and reward from it that has nothing to do with their 'religous' values. The ones who will keep fueling the hate and hostility, the fear, the depression. They are not trying to ease anything. . And so many are willing to listen if for no other reason than that they have decided there 'must' be more because of what happened on that day. That there are secrets and conspiricies everywhere. And they want to be shown them. They want to be led. And they'll listen to the loudest, most popular, most controversial voice they can find. And when that voice goes silent, they will prick their ears up for another one..and another one. Because they are scared and feel alone or lost. And the voices keep coming saying "Look here! There's More!" and so many look and listen because they are just afraid there may actually be more and they'll miss it this time.
Beck is a shining example of that. Let him put his money where his mouth is, or in this case, where his faith his. If he truly believes what he said. If he is doing it all for the 'honor of his God' and it's not just another huckster saying 'you don't understand', then prove it. Be an investigator not a regurgitator. Screw his 'Brainroom', go out and get his own hands dirty. The 'Brainroom' is just the 'PR' room. They may as well be the writers for the Access Hollywood. Show some responsibilty. Don't throw out 'What ifs' and say tune back tomorrow to find out 'how to'. If he turned around tomorrow and announced he was reversing his tithes, I might actually believe the guy is sincere in all he claims he is trying to do. But he won't convince me of that with a shrink, a whiteboard, and pretending to be a martyr on national TV.
I'm sure I've pissed off a lot of folks with this, whether they support Beck or not. The guy has only convinced me of one thing for sure..Sometimes fiction becomes reality. China Syndrome to Three Mile Island. Network to this mess. He can't go on the way he has been. He'll have to change his tune, his method, and/or his approach. I don't think he can. I don't think the media he works for will let him. They might pull him back a little..just enough to keep the money coming but in the end they'll let him blow up and bring in the next one.