Instead of giving to the authors of WinCustomize some help with the weather widgets, you have decided to delete all of them from WC!
Stardock has been looking at options. Just because we don't make them public does not mean nothing is happening.
Does anybody cares about the thousand users who used to have them in their computer desktop?
Yes. Stardock cares and Wincustomize cares. Still, authors need to make the changes to the gadgets.
In the other hand, these 10 days period until you start to delete all the weather widgets from WC are not enough during the summertime vacation, most authors are not even aware of the problem.
Authors will be notified via email what the problem is and a link to the best available fix.
Please think again, you don't have to delete anything, because if a weather widget doesn't work there is no violation of any ToS/ToU in regards to weather feeds.
It's better to have a broken widget online? We think not. It is better that a new user not think that DesktopX is broken because of's change and widget creator's now broken code? We think not.
Almost all the weather widgets in WC don't work anymore!!!
So authors will be busy for a bit. There is nothing WC can do without opening each widget editing the code to work (the same as the author would have to do anyway).